Signed in as:
Signed in as:
What personal Information will be taken and why?
Only information relevant to taking part in a Pilates class will be asked in the health questionnaire (Par-Q form) handed out to you prior to participating. Relevant information includes your health status, known injuries and medical conditions and your relevant contact details such as mobile/home phone number. Participant health conditions are required for insurance purposes and to ensure that I can keep moves safe and relevant to participants during a class.
Your contact details (phone number and email) are taken so that I can contact you to inform you about upcoming courses or to let you know if classes are cancelled.
What will be done with personal Information/contact details given?
All information from the Par-Q form is then inputted and stored on a private home PC. This information is kept securely on a private database and is NEVER shared with a 3rd party. Access to this data is restricted to me and is password protected.
How long will data be kept?
When you leave my Pilates sessions your personal data will be deleted from the electronic record. The hard copies of the Par-Qs are kept locked securely and will be kept for up to 7 years after a participant leaves a session. This is in line with my insurance policy. Should you wish to have your personal details removed from the electronic database at anytime, you can request this and it will be removed. Please note that Par-Q health questionnaires MUST be kept for 7 years after you leave my classes but will continue be kept securely.
Will you take any photos for social media sites?
Occasionally I take photos in class which I will use on social media sites or on my website. I will always ask permission to take photos and then again prior to posting any on the internet. These photos will NEVER be shared by me with a 3rd party
Can I opt out of being contacted?
You can opt out at anytime and I will not contact you with class information. Personal data such as contact details can be removed from the database if you prefer but this would mean not being notified in the case of classes being cancelled.